National Youth Agency - Youth Worker Apprenticeships


Youth worker Apprenticeships progress update and a call for employer input

The National Youth Agency (NYA) has been co-ordinating work to develop new Youth Worker Apprenticeships as a trailblazer with the Institute for Apprenticeships.

Apprenticeships in youth work provide the opportunity for employers to employ and train youth workers ‘on the job’.  Apprenticeships are employer led and create the opportunity for youth workers to work in real jobs, whilst gaining the knowledge and skills needed to work effectively with young people. Apprentices work 4 days a week and attend learning one day per week.

NYA have been working on Apprenticeships at Levels 2 and 3 which are appropriate for Youth Support Workers and a new graduate apprenticeship at Level 6, which offers an alternative to traditional university entry to the Professional Youth Worker.

NYA are keen to hear from youth work organisations and all employers who are interested in recruiting youth worker apprentices in the coming year.  Please follow this link, which will take you to a short survey for you to register your interest in youth worker apprenticeships.  They can then keep you informed when the apprenticeships receive final approval and funding arrangements.

NYA would also like to hear from employers who are interested in joining the Trailblazer group.  The group is made up of youth work employers and meets in Leicester bi-monthly, to lead the development of the apprenticeships.  They have reached the stage where they have draft standards and are now working on the assessment for the apprenticeships and what information and support is needed in the sector.  If you would like to be part of this group, please complete the above survey and provide us with your contact details.

Get in touch with NYA to secure as many opportunities as possible to recruit and train youth workers and youth support workers as apprentices in the coming year across the country in a wide range of settings. Link to survey.