Time: 6.30 pm - 8 pm.
Cost: £15 for VOYC members / £25 non-members.
This course will be delivered online and joining instructions/link will be circulated by email beforehand.
About the Course:
Volunteering can be a great way for young people to learn and develop new skills, gain experience for their future employment, 'give back' to an organisation and help their local community. As well as the time, support and skills that young people can offer, organisations can learn from their young volunteers - particularly as their own experiences both within and outside of their group may be very different to those of adult volunteers.
If you're working with young volunteers (under 18’s) then there are a few things you must consider. Organisations and groups must protect their young volunteers and do all they can to make sure that their volunteering experience is enriched and positive. This VOYC Devon online training session looks at the needs of the groups and individuals you work with from a safeguarding perspective.
The Aim of the Course:
To increase awareness of your safeguarding responsibilities towards young people who volunteer within Not for Profit Organisations.
Learning Outcomes:
Be more aware of the legal framework for safeguarding and child protection;
Better understand how to identify potential safeguarding issues that might occur for young volunteers;
Feel more confident, enabling you to make sure that young volunteers are right for the role;
Know how to ensure that young volunteers are clear about the context of their role;
Identify what additional support and supervision might be required and how to provide this.
This training is delivered by Tom Coulthard, CEO of VOYC Devon.
If you'd like to book yourself on this course please complete the booking form and return to
Not a member? It’s really easy to join and membership is FREE!!
Should you wish to speak to VOYC Devon about this course, call 01392 250976 or email